Prof. Arnold Groh
Research work

Prof. Dr. Arnold Groh has conducted field research in indigenous contexts since 1987, and since 2001, he has trained students for this purpose. He has headed excursions to indigenous peoples in Indonesia (Borneo: Punan; West Papua: Dani), India (Soliga), Latin America (Panama: Emberá; Peru: Yagua), Laos (Akha; Lanten), and in several African countries (Cameroon: Bagyeli; Uganda: Batwa; South Africa: Venda; Ethiopia: Hamer; Benin/Togo: Somba/Tamberma; Senegal: Bassari; Eastern Congo Basin: Bambuti).


Professional experience


He heads the research institution Structural Analysis of Cultural Systems, which is in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economical and Social Council. He has been teaching as a Visiting Professor at the University of the Arts, Berlin, and he is currently an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Berlin.




Prof. Arnold Groh received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Bielefeld, and he did his habilitation at the Technical University of Berlin.     

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Place of affiliation

(Cross-) Cultural Psychology

  • Theories of Culture

Indigenous Contexts

  • Indigenous Peoples' Resilience against Globalisation
  • Resilience Against Cultural Dominance

Resilience and Wellbeing

  • Capacity-Building and Resilience-Strengthening Methods
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