Dr. Einav Levy
Research work

Dr. Einav Levy's main academic work is focused on resilience, communities in emergencies, health, and behavior among populations at risk, migrants, and minorities. Einav has teaching experience in Johns Hopkins University, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Hai College, and Haifa University among others. Einav is a reviewer in several academic journals such as AIDS and Behavior and The International Journal of Equity in Health and serves as a guest editor in The Journal of International Humanitarian Action.


Professional experience


Dr. Einav Levy is the Founding Director of The Israeli School of Humanitarian Action and Lucien Research center for Humanitarian Action. He is also the head of the Stress, Trauma, and Resilience program at Tel-Hai College and Innovation Associate in Binnovate Digital Health. B.V. Einav is a director and entrepreneur with a profound experience in the interface between civil society organizations and the business, governmental, and academic sectors, and is an expert in humanitarian action. Einav was a COO of an organization, which promotes development in Africa, a CEO of an NGO dealing with International Humanitarian Action, and a founding member of SID-ISRAEL (Society of International Development) and a member of its first board. Currently, Einav is a member of the NALA Foundation’s Board of Directors. He led international humanitarian missions including Jordan, Haiti, Serbia, Zambia, Greece, and UgandaEinav is a consultant for several Israeli Ministries (i.e. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Social equality, and Ministry of Education) on the topics of managing people in emergencies, systems in crisis, and community resilience.




Einav holds a Master's degree in Management of Emergency and Disasters Situations from Tel Aviv University, and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the Liberal University of Brussels.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Place of affiliation

Vulnerable/ Marginalized Populations

  • Cultural Competences
  • Forced Migration
  • Immigrants

Emergency and Disaster Management

  • Health and Psychosocial Interventions
  • Assessment
  • Community Interventions

Mental Health, Stress and Trauma

  • Harm Reduction
  • Stress Management
Selected Publications
  • Levy, E., Gidron, Y., Olley, B.O., (2017);  A new measurement of an Indirect Measure of Condom Use and Its Relationships with Barriers. SAHARA Journal 14 (1): 24:30.
  • Levy, E., Gidron, Y., Alkan, M., Shaul, .S., (2017): Medical Conditions and Treatment in a Transit Camp in Serbia for Migrants from the Middle East. Journal of International Humanitarian Action 2:11.
  • Levy E., Alkan M, Gidron Y, Ramot A., Livni G.Y., Ben-Gal L. & Hanani T., (2018): Culture, Gender and Health in the Humanitarian Context. JOJ Nurse Health Care. 6(2).
  • Levy, E. (2018); Psychosocial Aspects of HIV/AIDS. HIV AIDS Res J 1:1.
  • Levy, E., Gidron, Y., Deschepper, R., Olley, B.O., Ponnet, K., (2019); Effects of the Computerized Psychological Inoculation Intervention on Condom Use Tendencies in Sub-Saharan and Caucasian students. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 7:(1), 160-178.
  • Levy, E., Kaufman, R.M, Gidron, Y., Deschepper, R., Olley, B.O., (2019); Interventions targeting social cognitive determinants of male condom use in low risk Sub-Saharan population: A Systematic Review. Cogent Psychology. 6 (1), 1637167.
  • Levy, E, Farchi, M., Gidron, Y., Shahar, E. (2020); Psychological First Aid trough the SIX C's Model- an Intervention with Migrants on the move. Journal of Mental Health and Psychology Support in Conflict Affected Areas. 18 (1).
  • Padan, C., Elran, M., Levy, E., Hadad, S., Ben-Ari, A., (2020); The Corona Epidemic: Systematic Challenges for Israel. INSS Insight No. 1277.
  • Kaufman, R.M., Levy, E., Da-Costa, R., Joelson, P., Skoko, M., Gvar'am, M., (2020); Abortion services in Humanitarian context. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 31(4), 1569-1572.
  • Levy, E., Warner, L. M., Fleig, L., Kaufman, M. R., Deschepper, R., & Gidron, Y. (2021). The effects of psychological inoculation on condom use tendencies and barriers; a randomized controlled trial. Psychology & Health36(5), 575-592.
  • Gidron, Y., Levy, E., Farchi, M., & Rapaport, C. (2021). Effects of an automatized psychological inoculation (PI) intervention on anxiety, resilience and adherence to COVID-19 recommendations. Psychology & Health, 1-14.
  • Levy, E., Warner, L., Fleig, L., Kaufman, R.M., Deschepper, R., Gidron, Y., (2023); Associations between implicit and explicit condom use measures with condom use barriers:  Relationships make a difference. Psychological Reports (In press).


Submitted Manuscripts

  • Levy, E., Gidron, Y., Herzog, D., Grunstein, R., (2022); Indirect exposure to atrocities and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms among aid workers: Hemispheric lateralization matters (Under review).
  • Levy, E.,  Gidron, Y., Shaul, S., Sirota, R., Atias, A. (2022); Rationale and implementation of vagal nerve biofeedback for mental and physical health of Ukrainian forced migrants (Under review).
  • Levy, E., Alkan, M., Shaul, S., Livni, Y., Gidron, Y. (2023); The association between the distance from the epicenter of the Haiti earthquake (2021) and medical diagnosed: A report from the field (under review).
  • Levy, E., Alkan, M., Gidron, Y. (2023). Painful call about the under-reporting of children's pain during humanitarian crises (under review).
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