![Maria Baran](https://reswell.tau.ac.il/sites/reswell.tau.ac.il/files/reswell/styles/researcher_photo_180_x_180/public/MBaran180.png?itok=FmOpRLfw)
Maria Baran
Maria Baran is a cross-cultural psychologist specializing in the field of psychology of migration and acculturation, as well as intercultural competencies. Her main areas of interest are psychological consequences of culture contact; broad social identifications (a.o. Identification with all humanity); resilience, and gratitude.
Professional experience
Maria Baran is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland, where she has been working for more than ten years now. She is also an instructor at GLOBAL Minds European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity, since the very beginning of the project. Apart from the academic work, Maria is also an intercultural competence trainer conducting workshops for business and education.
She is a member of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Polish Association of Social Psychology (PSPS), and Identification With All Humanity Lab.
Maria Baran has a PhD in psychology, and is a graduate of the Department of Cross-Cultural Psychology at SWPS University in Warsaw.
- Place of affiliation
(Cross-) Cultural Psychology
- Acculturation
- Broad Social Identification
- Culture Contact
- Identification with All Humanity
- Baran, M., & Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H. (2022). Integration Policy. In: M. Budkowski, & M. Duszczyk (Eds.), Hospitable Poland 2022+. How to wisely support Poland and Poles in helping people fleeing the war in Ukraine? (pp.105-118). WISE Europa. https://wise-europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Hospitable-Poland-2022.pdf
- Marchlewska, M., Hamer, K., Baran, M., Górska, P., & Kaniasty, K. (2022). COVID-19: Why Do People Refuse Vaccination? The Role of Social Identities and Conspiracy Beliefs: Evidence from Nationwide Samples of Polish Adults. Vaccines, 10(2), 268. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10020268
- Baran, M., Hamer, K., Marchlewska, M., Baran, T., & Kaniasty, K. (2021). Gotowość do pomagania i udzielanie pomocy w pandemii COVID-19: rola orientacji politycznych. [Readiness to help and giving help in COVID-19 pandemic – the role of political orientations] In: M. Kaczmarek-Śliwińska (ed.) Medialno-społeczny obraz Covid-19: Solidarność czy polaryzacja – Podsumowanie, diagnoza, rekomendacje [The media and social image of Covid-19: Solidarity or Polarization - Summary, diagnosis, recommendations] (pp. 11-43). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SBP.
- Baran, M., & Hamer, K. (2021). Młodzi dorośli podczas pandemii Covid-19. [Young adults during COVID-19 pandemic] In: Skarżyńska, K. (ed.). Młodzi dorośli : identyfikacje, postawy, aktywizm i problemy życiowe [Young adults: their identifications, attitudes, activism, and life problems] (pp. 99-123). Warszawa: Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji im Marka Dietricha.
- Hamer, K., Baran, M., Marchlewska, M. & Kaniasty, K (2021). Zmiany w identyfikacjach społecznych, myśleniu spiskowym, obawach, dorastanie i zachowaniach Polaków podczas pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19. [Changes in social identifications, conspiracy thinking, fears, well-being and behaviors of Poles during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic]. In J. Paluchowski, L. Bakiera (eds.). Psychospołeczny obraz pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce. [Psychosocial image of a first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Poland]. (pp. 125-143 ). Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. DOI:10.14746/amup.9788323239956