Dr. Renata Matkeviciene

Dr. Renata Matkeviciene


Research work

Dr. Renata Matkevičienė has more than 15 years of experience in communication and consultation processes, based on academic activities and scientific research in corporate communication (organizational communication, reputation, trust and CSR, digital sustainability communication), media sociology, traditional and digital political communication.

Since 2003 as a communication scholar working at Vilnius University, she has provided number of consultations for image formation of public sector organizations, organized various trainings on communication management, consulted public and private sector institutions on application of effective research-based communication. Dr. Matkevičienė has participated in number of scientific conferences in the field of communication (PR and CSR) research, published articles in scientific monographs and scientific peer-reviewed journals.


Professional experience


For more than ten years she is a member of Lithuanian communication association, she has organized various events and was a part of commissions for communication competitions in Lithuania and abroad. In 2018 together with colleagues from Lithuanian communication association, after the set of consultations with various stakeholders she worked on the first communication / PR dictionary. Since 2016 she is actively involved in social entrepreneurship as consultant and mentor for young entrepreneurs: together with partners from NGOs, the public and private sector, she participates in educational and research projects.




Dr. Renata Matkevičienė has a Doctor of Humanities from Vilnius University, which she obtained in 2006. Her doctoral dissertation was on "Manifestation of political identities in mass media: identities of candidates to the Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania in Lithuanian mass media". Prior to her doctorate, she obtained a Master of Information and Communication from the same university, completing her Master's thesis on the international promotion activities of Lithuanian companies in 1998.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Place of affiliation


  • Corporate Communication
  • Traditional and Digital Political Communication
  • Media Sociology
Selected Publications
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata; JAKUČIONIENĖ, Lina. Change in communication management roles due to globalization: A case of communication management competencies mapped by international professional public relations associations (2015-2020) // Ekonomicko-manazerske spektrum: University of Zilina. ISSN 1337-0839. eISSN 2585-7258. 2021, vol. 15, iss. 2, p. 65–86.
  • DĀVIDSONE, Agnese; MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata; TELYČĖNAITĖ, Austė; SILKANE, Vineta; JURĀNE BRĒMANE, Anžela. Social simulation transfer to online: Pedagogical reflections on teaching presence // Remote learning in times of pandemic: issues, implications and best practice / edited by Linda Daniela and Anna Visvizi. London: Routledge, 2021, chapter no. 4. ISBN 9780367765705. p. 74–89.
  • DĀVIDSONE, Agnese; SEPPEL, Külliki; TELYČĖNAITĖ, Austė; MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata; UIBU, Marko; SILKĀNE, Vineta; JURĀNE-BRĒMANE, Anžela; ALLAJE, Õnne. Exploring students’ perceptions on acquisition of transversal skills during an online social simulation // Human, technologies and quality of education, 2021 = Cilvēks, tehnoloģijas un izglītības kvalitāte, 2021 / Editor Linda Daniela. Rīga : University of Latvia, 2021. ISBN 9789934187353. p. 727–738.
  • TAMUTIENĖ, Lina; MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Quality in the higher education sector: comparison of communication of criteria for quality assurance in webpages of state universities in Lithuania and Latvia. Acta Prosperitatis. Riga, Turība University, 2019, No. 10, p. 109–130. ISSN 1691-6077.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. How media constructs political corruption: case of the Internet media reaction to the political corruption scandal during election campaign to the Parliament of Lithuania in 2016 // Political preferences. Katowice: University of Silesia in Katowice. ISSN 2450-873X. eISSN 2449-9064. 2017, no.14, p. 35–46.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Trust In Governmental Institutions Is The Main Requirement For Effective New Public Governance. New Media and New Public Governance: The Strategic Communication Approach. Vilnius University, Turība University. – Trnava : University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, 2017. – p. 152. ISBN 978-80-8105-844-8.
  • STONKIENĖ, Marija; MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata; VAIGINIENĖ, Erika. Evaluation of the national higher education system‘s competitiveness: theoretical model. Competitiveness review. Bingley : Emeral Group Publishing. ISSN 1059-5422. eISSN 2051-3143. 2016, Vol. 26, Iss. 2, p. 116–131.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Organizacijos socialinės atsakomybės komunikacija: socialinės atsakomybės veiklos ir organizacijos reputacijos sąsajos. Socialinė atsakomybė verslo ir viešajame sektoriuje. Sudarytoja ir mokslinė redaktorė Skaidrė Žičkienė. Šiauliai, 2015. p. 134–147. ISBN 9786098179002.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Korporatyvinės socialinės atsakomybės raiška verslo organizacijų veikloje: nesocialiai atsakingą veiklą vykdančių organizacijų socialinės atsakomybės veikla. Informacijos mokslai. 2010, t. 52, p. 55– 67. ISSN 1392-0561.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Verslo organizacijos informacinės aplinkos tyrimas. Informacijos mokslai. 2007, t. 41, p. 58–69. ISSN 1392-0561.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Skaitmeniniai savivaldybės ryšiai su bendruomene. Informacijos mokslai. 2004. Nr. 30. p. 29–43. ISBN 1392-0561.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Integracija į Europos Sąjungą ir socialiniai pokyčiai. Siekis įvertinti nuostatas ir vertybes: ką europiečiai galvoja ir jaučia. Informacijos mokslai. 2004. Nr. 29. p. 136–140. ISBN 1392-0561.
  • MATKEVIČIENĖ, Renata. Komunikavimo įgūdžių įtaka verslumui ir karjerai: tyrimo rezultatų pristatymas. Informacijos mokslai. 2004. Nr. 28. p. 30–43. ISBN 1392-0561.
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