Yuan Gu
Research work

Yuan Gu's research interests lie in the study of Well-being, Working Attitude and Resilience, and their  implications for personal and group-level effectiveness. 

She is skilled in quantitative research methods in psychology. She has published in a few journals  focusing on well-being, working attitude and resilience, and continue to present research on  them at conferences regionally and internationally.


Professional experience


At present, she serves as a full-time teacher at the Department of Public Management, Humanity and  Arts, Dalian Maritime University, China, where she has been since July 2016. A list of subjects I  have taught throughout my academic career include: managerial psychology, college student mental health education, general psychology, sailor psychology and sociology of families.




Master of Education in the Field of Applied Psychology with Excellent Graduate Student Award (Zhejiang University, China)

Bachelor of Science: Psychology Major with Merit Student (Shaanxi Normal University, China) 

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Place of affiliation
Selected Publications
  • Y. Gu, D. Liu, G. Zheng, C. Yang, Z. Dong, E. Tee*. The Effects of Chinese Seafarers’Job Demands  on Turnover Intentiona Role of Fun at Work. International Journal of Environmental Research  and Public Health. 2020,17. doi:10.3390/ijerph17145247 
  • 田芯,.“以学中心的大学生心理健康教育程教学模式研究. 航海教育研究, 2020,  6.
  • 源,陈坚杨传. 2019. 能力心理危机干的影响:心理性的中介作 . 中国健康心理学, 27(11), 1621-1627.
  • Ying Shan Bao, Fang Wei Zhu, Yue Hu, Ning Cui & Yuan Gu. 2019. Validation of the Dutch Test of  Conflict Handling in Chinese College Students. Social Behavior and Personality: An international  journal, 47(4). doi:info:doi/10.2224/sbp.7768Bao
  • . 本我、自我、超我——心理学专业的另世界. 2013. 高校招生, 5, 36-37.
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