Dr. Stav Shapira
Research work

Stav's main research interests are disaster resilience, disaster epidemiology, and vulnerable populations in emergencies (e.g., older persons, people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities). She specializes in mapping these populations' unique health and social care needs in times of crisis, in parallel to identifying gaps in existing response capacities of organizations and systems, and exploring ways to bridge these gaps to provide optimal care in future emergency events. She employs mixed-methods, community-based, participatory research approach in her work to facilitate the implementation of scientific knowledge into policymaking processes and encourage community change.


Professional experience


Dr. Shapira is a lecturer at the school of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Her work had been published in leading journals in the fields of public health, health policy, emergency management, and disaster risk reduction.




Dr. Shapira holds a Master’s degree in Health Administration from the University of Bar-Ilan, Israel; and a PhD in Emergency Medicine from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Place of affiliation

Resilience and Wellbeing

  • Coping with Stress
  • Individual, Community and National Resilience

Vulnerable/ Marginalized Populations

  • Marginalized Groups
  • Medically Vulnerable Individuals
  • Underserved Communities
Selected Publications
  • Schwartz D, Shapira S, Bar-dayan Y. 2014. Healthcare workers’ knowledge and confidence in personal protective equipment during the H1N1 pandemic in Israel. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 8(2): 150-157.
  • Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Shohet I, Peek-Asa C, Bar-Dayan Y. 2015. Integrating Epidemiological and Engineering approaches in the Assessment of Human Casualties in Earthquakes. Nat Hazards. 78(2): 1447-1462.
  • Wei HH, Shohet I, Skibniewski M, Shapira S, Yao X. 2015. Assessing the life cycle sustainability costs and benefits of seismic mitigation designs for reinforced concrete buildings. Journal of Architectural engineering. 22(1): 04015011.
  • Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Bar-Dayan Y, Sykes D, Adini B. 2016. knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and willingness to report to work in an earthquake: A pilot study comparing Canadian versus Israeli hospital nursing staff. Int Emerg Nurs. 25: 7-12.
  • Shapira S, Novack L, Bar-Dayan Y, Aharonson-Daniel L. 2016. An integrated and interdisciplinary model for predicting the risk of injury and death in future earthquakes. PLOS ONE. 11(3): e0151111.
  • Shapira S, Levi T, Bar-Dayan Y, Aharonson-Daniel L. 2018. The impact of behavior during an earthquake on the risk of injury and death. Nat Hazards. 91(3): 1059-1074.
  • Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Bar-Dayan Y. 2018. Anticipated behavioral response patterns to an earthquake: The role of personal and household characteristics, risk perception, previous experience and preparedness. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct. 31: 1-8.
  • Shapira S, Friger M, Bar-Dayan Y, Aharonson-Daniel L. 2019. Healthcare workers’ willingness to respond following a disaster: a novel statistical approach toward data analysis. BMC Med Educ. 19:130.
  • Shapira S, Feder-Bubis P, Clarfield A. M., Aharonson-Daniel L. 2019. Bridging information gaps: The path to optimal care for medically vulnerable populations following large-scale public health emergencies. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct. 41: 101319.
  • Cohen O, Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L. 2019. Confidence in health services availability during emergency situations – Does it matter? Int J of Environ Res Public Health. 16(19):3519.
  • Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Feder-Bubis P. 2020. Giving a voice to medically vulnerable populations: a mixed-methods investigation of their unique perceptions and needs in emergency situations. Health Soc Care Comm. 28(3):811-822.
  • Shapira S, Cohen O, Aharonson-Daniel L. 2020. The contribution of personal and place-related attributes to the resilience of conflict-affected communities. J. Environ Psychol. 72: 101520.
  • Shapira S, Yeshua-Katz D, Cohn-Schwartz E, Aharonson-Daniel L, Sarid O, Clarfield A.M. 2021. A pilot randomized controlled trial of a group intervention via Zoom to relieve loneliness and depressive symptoms among older persons during the COVID-19 outbreak. Internet Interv. 24: 100368.
  • Shapira S, Yeshua-Katz D, Goren G, Aharonson-Daniel L, Clarfield A.M, Sarid O. 2021. Evaluation of a short-term digital group intervention to relieve mental distress and promote well-being among community-dwelling older individuals during the COVID-19 outbreak: A study protocol. Front. Public Health. 9: 284.
  • Yeshua-Katz D, Shapira S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Clarfield A.M, Sarid O. 2021. Matching digital intervention affordances with tasks; the case of a Zoom and WhatsApp mental health intervention for seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Commun. 1-13.
  • Shapira S, Cohn-Schwartz E, Yeshua-Katz D, Aharonson-Daniel L, Clarfield A.M, Sarid O. 2021. Teaching and practicing cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness skills in a web-based platform among older adults through the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Int J of Environ Res Public Health. 18(20): 10563.
  • Shapira S, Shibli H, Teschner N. 2021. Energy insecurity and community resilience: the experiences of Bedouins in Southern Israel. Environ. Sci. Policy. 124: 135-143.
  • Cohen O, Shapira S, Furman E. 2022. Long-Term Health Impacts of Wildfire Exposure: A Retrospective Study Exploring Hospitalization Dynamics Following the 2016 Wave of Fires in Israel. Int J of Environ Res Public Health. 19(9): 5012.
  • Shapira S. 2022. Trajectories of community resilience over a multi-crisis period: a repeated cross-sectional study among small rural communities in southern Israel. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct. 76: 103006.
  • Shapira S, Yeshua-Katz D & Sarid O. 2022. Effect of distinct psychological interventions on changes in self-reported distress, depression, and loneliness among older adults during COVID-19. World J Psychiat. 12(7): 860-1001.
  • Shapira S, Cauchard, J. 2022. Integrating drones in response to public health emergencies: A combined framework to explore technology acceptance. Front. Public Health. 10.
  • Heller O, Chun Y, Shapira S, Troen A, Shlomo Y, Acri M, Marrota P, Kulkarni S, Kinnison B, Grinstein-Weiss M. 2022. Prevalence of long-COVID among low-income and marginalized groups: Evidence from Israel. Int J Public Health. 67:1605086.
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