Dr. Vasile Marineanu
Dr. Vasile Marineanu has been an adjunct professor at the University of Bucharest's Department of Psychology since 2011, where he teaches and conducts research in several fields, including crises intervention, trauma and operational stress management, clinical psychology, psychological assessment, and counseling.
In addition to his role as an adjunct professor at the University of Bucharest, Prof. Vasile Marineanu has been the National representative of the Romanian College of Psychologists to the Standing Committee on Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma Psychology at the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) since January 2019. In this role, he is responsible for managing psychosocial interventions in crises, disasters, and other potential traumatic events, such as sexual assault, robbery, and hostage situations. His responsibilities also include education, research, and professional regulation.
Since 2015, Prof. Marineanu has also been a researcher within the Human Factors and Medicine Panel Research Task Group at the NATO Science and Technology Organization in Paris, France. In this role, he represents Romania and contributes to institutional and project management related to programs, policies, and processes to deal with unacceptable sexual behavior, sexual assault, and sexual violence in the military. Like his other roles, this position also involves education, research, and professional regulation.
Professional experience
Dr. Vasile Marineanu is a clinical psychologist, trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and certified in Virtual Reality Prolonged Exposure Therapy as well as in SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) Psychology.
Currently Dr. Marineanu is the Head of the Romanian National Military Center for Psychology and Behavioral Health, the President of the Romanian Society for Military Psychology, member in the Standing Committee on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology of European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, member in the Board of the Romanian College of Psychologists, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Bucharest.
Dr. Marineanu has conducted intensive international activities in mental health operational focused activities during five NATO deployments, as field psychologist, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo or Afghanistan. Consequently, he planned, coordinated, and executed, together with Civil Affairs Teams, and local community agents, psychological support for war victims, refugees and displaced persons, offering mainly psychological first aid and crisis intervention.
He has been actively involved in professional regulation of the field of crisis intervention and trauma support within NATO Science and Technology Organization and the Romanian Ministry of National Defense, especially in the development of several national standard operating procedures (e.g., resilience training and operational stress control, critical incidents management, crisis and disaster intervention, operational trauma and stress support, SERE psychology training and reintegration etc.).
He is a graduate of the Romanian Air Force Academy, the University of Bucharest, and the European Centre for Strategic Security Studies “George C. Marshall”, Germany.
- Place of affiliation
Operational Psychology
Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology
- Crisis intervention
- Psychological First Aid
- Emergency Psychological Support
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Psychology
- Reintegration & Rehabilitation
- Resilience Training
- Coping with Stress
Book chapters
- Marineanu, Vasile (2019). Resilience and clinical issues in survival behavior under Isolation and Captivity. In Updesh Kumar (editor), Handbook of Military Psychology and Mental Health, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Marineanu, Vasile (2017). The Psychology of Suicide Martyrdom in Afghanistan and its Implications for Psychological Operations. In Samir Rawat (editor), Military Psychology and Leadership Development, New Delhi, Rawat Publications, ISBN: 978-81-316-0908-8.
- Marineanu, Vasile (2015). Stresul operațional Operational stress. În Cornel Laurentiu Mincu (coord.), Psihologie militară aplicată. Vol. 2., București, Editura Universitară, ISBN: 978-606-28- 0263-9.
- Marineanu, Vasile (2015). Intervenţia la nivel de grup pentru creşterea rezilienţei şi a performanţei. Group intervention for resilience and performance În Cornel Laurentiu Mincu (coord.), Psihologie militară aplicată. Vol. 2., București, Editura Universitară, ISBN: 978-606-28-0263-9.
- Marineanu, Vasile (2015). Reziliența la stresul operațional Operational stress resilience. În Cornel Laurentiu Mincu (coord.), Psihologie militara aplicata. Vol. 2., București, Editura Universitară, ISBN: 978-606-28-0263-9.
- Marineanu, V., Marineanu, Corina (2011). Stima de sine - congruenţă şi discrepanţă între subtipurile ei Self-esteem – congruency and discrepancy among its subtypes– In Ruxandra Răşcanu, Georgiana Corcaci (coord.) Dezvoltare, diferenţe, disfuncţii în peisajul psihologic actual, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.
Published papers and work presented at scientific conferences
- A Validation Study of the Organizational Climate Scale in Romanian Armed Forces (coautor Elena PIRLITESCU), The International Military Testing Association (IMTA) Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 07-11 October, 2019.
- The Validation of a Transdiagnostic Intervention Protocol for Emotional Disorders in Military Settings (coautor Marieta SERAC), the 54th International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS 2018), Sarajevo, 06-10 May, 2019.
- The Perceived Characteristics of Missions Abroad, the Emotional Distress of the ROU Military Spouses, and Familial Coping Mechanisms: A Moderation Study (coauthor Ilona Voicu), the 53rd International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS 2018), Bucharest, 07-11 May, 2018.
- The Structure and Validity of the Romanian Version of the Personality Belief Questionnaire (coauthors Marieta Serac, Adrian Prisăcaru, Gheorghe Chițu), the 53rd International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS 2018), Bucharest, 07-11 May, 2018.
- Professional Adjustment Inventory: Construction and Initial Validation (coauthors Adrian Prisăcaru, Corina Ică-Macicaș, Georgiana Strâmbeanu), the 53rd International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS 2018), Bucharest, 07-11 May, 2018.
- „Moderatori organizaționali ai relației dintre motivația participării la misiuni externe și satisfacția profesională” Organizational moderators of the relationship between motivation to participate in external missions and professional satisfaction, (coauthors Ilona Voicu, Corina Ică-Macicaș), în Provocări deontologice și metodologice în științele comportamentale aplicate în mediul militar – Conferința națională militară de științe comportamentale cu participare internațională (2017), coord. Vasile Marineanu, Editura Centrului Tehnic- Editorial al Armatei, Bucureşti.
- „Operational Applications of the Psychology of Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan”, – in Proceedings – The 13th International Scientific Conference, Strategies XXI – Strategies Changes in Security and International Relations, 6-7 April, 2017.
- The congruence of the Romanian military organizational culture with soldiers’ motivation and satisfaction in military operations, The International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS), Ulm, Germany, 07-11 May, 2017.
- A Validation Study of CRES in the Romanian Army, The International Military Testing Association (IMTA) Conference, New Delhi, India, 06-11 November, 2016.
- „Intervenția psihologică bazată pe dovezi (evidence-based) pentru reducerea problemelor relaționate cu consumul de alcool - o analiză a literaturii de specialitate” Evidence-based psychological intervention for alcohol-related problems - a literature review, (coauthor Corina Ică-Macicaș), în Particularități ale sănătății mentale și sănătății organizaționale în mediul operațional militar – Conferința Internațională Militară de Științe Comportamentale (2016), coord. Vasile Marineanu, Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al Armatei, Bucureşti.
- „Aspecte metodologice privind stabilirea predictorilor relevanţi în evaluarea psihologică desfășurată în organizația militară” Methodological aspects of predictors validation in military psychological assessment, (coauthors Adrian Prisăcaru, Ana-Maria Georgescu, Monica Franga), în Particularități ale sănătății mentale și sănătății organizaționale în mediul operațional militar – Conferința Internațională Militară de Științe Comportamentale (2016), coord. Vasile Marineanu, Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al Armatei, Bucureşti.
- Peaceful Women and Warrior Men. Perceptions about the Presence of Romanian Military Women in Afghanistan, The International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS), Porto, Portugal, 20-23 June, 2016.
- „Managementul resurselor financiare ale militarilor participanți la misiuni în afara teritoriului statului român” Financial resources management of the soldiers participating in military missions outside the territory of the Romanian state, (coauthor Corina Ică-Macicaș) în Abordări Interdisciplinare și transculturale ale Comportamentului Uman în Organizația Militară – Conferința Internațională de Științe Comportamentale (2015), Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al Armatei, Bucureşti.
- The current state of Romanian military psychology, evolution and perspectives, State-of-The- Art, The 1st International Military Behavioral Sciences Conference, Bucharest, 25-26 October 10 2015.
- Post-deployment Psychological Screening for Mental Health in Romanian Armed Forces, 20th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Thessaloniki, Greece, 8-11 June 2015.
- Methodological Aspects of Morale and Wellbeing Assessment in Romanian Armed Forces, The International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS), Lisbon, Portugal, 18- 22 May 2015.
- Psychological Screening for Mental Health in Romanian Military, International Medical Rehabilitation, Mental Health Support, Institutional and Policy Considerations and Tactical Battlefield Medicine Conference, Kiev, Ukraine, 28-30 April 2015.
- Pre-Deployment Screening for Mental Health in Romanian Military, Mental Health and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Workshop, Center of Excellence for Military Medicine, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 24-25 February 2015.
- „Teenagers and Their Addiction to Computer” - (coauthors Ruxandra Răşcanu, Corina Marineanu, Cristian Mihai Sumedrea, Alexandru Chiţu) – in Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, No. 78 (2013) pp. 225 – 229.
- „Conscious Accessibility to Implicit Self-Esteem” (Section I - Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychiatry and Psycho-diagnosis), 12 pagini, (coauthors: Ruxandra Răşcanu, Corina Marineanu) – Conferinţa Psihologia şi realităţile lumii contemporane, organizată de Societatea Română de Psihologie Experimentală Aplicată şi Catedra de Psihologie a Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 18-21 noiembrie 2010.