Dr. Ivonne Herrera
Recent work addresses a holistic perspective that covers technological, organizational and societal aspects creating a safer society by strengthening resilience. Dr. Herrera has over 30 years experience within the industry and research for aviation, petroleum and recently healthcare domains. Since 2006, she performs research in the area of resilience. Other research areas of interest include safety management, societal safety and innovation management. She is involved in preparing and managing regional, national and international research and innovation initiatives that contribute to improve safety and resilient performance. As current challenges cannot be solved from one discipline, she sees her work as an architect creating arenas where a multidisciplinary teams are motivated to share knowledge, willing to think outside the box and create valuable solutions.
Professional experience
Dr. Herrera is Senior scientist at NTNU Social Research, Department Studio Apertura, Norway. During the period 2020 – 2023, she has worked at the Research Council of Norway with advisory and expert responsibility to the government and Norwegian participants in European funded R&I related to digital and societal security. Besides her more than 30 years experience within industrial and research work. She has been Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and invited to provide lectures in diverse universities around the world. Since 2004, Dr. Herrera has been invited as an independent expert acting as an evaluator, reviewer, member of expert panel, speaker or moderator of aeronautics research activities for FP6, FP7 and H2020 and Horizon Europe Work Programmes by the European Commission.
She has been President oft he Resilience Engineering Association a global network of academics and practicitioners, vice-chair of the Scientific Committee of Clean Sky Joint Undertaking 2 and chaired the European Safety and Reliability (ESRA) Technical Committee on Resilience Engineering. Ivonne currently co-leaded STERNA project cooperation Norway – Brazil, high-level education on resilience. She was Project Coordinator of the finished H2020 project DARWIN Expect the unexpected and know how to respond addressing operationalization of resilience for crisis management within Air Traffic Management and healthcare. She coordinated ENGAGE proposal addressing societal resilience. She was guest editor to journal Reliability Engineering & System Safety on a special issue on Resilience Engineering. She has been invited as a reviewer for different journal such as Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Safety Science, International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, Information and Software Technology and Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science.
She has degrees in electrical engineering (Colombia), Masters in Aeronautical maintenance and Production (France), PhD in Safety Management and Resilience Engineering (Norway) and diverse Master courses addressing Innovation.
- Place of Affiliation
Safety Management and Resilience Engineering
Organisational Resilience
- Resilient Infrastructures
Resilience and Wellbeing
- Societal Resilience
- Disaster Resilient Societies
- Herrera, I (2022). Enhancing Resilient Performance in Times of Digital Transformation - Afterword. In Resilience in a Digital Age - Global Challenges in Organisatons and Societies. Edited by Matos F, Seilig, P, Heriqson E. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85954-1
- Kongsvik, T., Albrechtsen E., Antonsen S., Herrera I., Hovden J., Schiefloe, P.M. (2018) Sikkerhet i arbeids livet (Safety in working life).
- Paul, S., Tedeschi., A., Gjære., E., Herrera, I., (2014). The Aniketos Design-Time Framework Applied – A Case in Air Traffic Management (Chapter) In book: Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition: The Aniketos Approach. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13518-2_14
White paper
- White Paper on Resilience Management Guidelines for Critical Infrastructures. From theory to practice by engaging end-users: concepts, interventions, tools and methods. https://zenodo.org/record/3375338#.YiI0nOiZM2x
- Penaloza, G., Saurin, T., Formoso, C., Herrera I. (2020) A resilience engineering perspective of safety performance measurement systems: A systematic literature review. Safety Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104864
- Adini, B., Cohen, B., Eide, A., Nilsson, Aharonson-Daniel, L., Goldberg, A., Herrera, I. (2016) Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines? For Special Issue on “Moving forward to Disaster Resilience”
- Nemeth, C., Herrera, I. (2015) Building change: Resilience Engineering after ten years. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Special Issue on Resilience Engineering. Editorial. Volume 141, Pages 1–4
- Woods, D.D., Branlat, B., Herrera, I, Woltjer, R. (2015). Where Is the Organization Looking in Order to Be Proactive about Safety? A Framework for Revealing whether It Is Mostly Looking Back Also Looking Forward or Simply Looking Away. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. Volume 23 Number 2.
- Øien, K., Utne, I., B., and Herrera, I.A. (2011). Building Safety Indicators, Part 1 - Theoretical foundation. Safety Science, vol. 49, pp 148-161
- Hovden, J., Albrechtsen, E., Herrera, I., A. (2010). Is there a need for new theories, models and approaches to occupational accident prevention? Safety Science, vol 48, pp. 950-956
- Herrera, I. A., Woltjer, R. (2010). Comparing a multi-linear (STEP) and systemic (FRAM). Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 95 pp. 1269-1275
- Herrera, I., A., Nordskag, A.O., Myhre, G., Halvorsen, K. (2009). ”Aviation safety and maintenance under major organizational changes, investigating non-existing accidents”. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 41 pp. 1155-1163
Compilation of news-letter – Resilience Engineering Association
- 2023. Resilience Engineering Association: A collection of Newsletters 2019-2023. David, l., Herrera, I., Lay Elizabeth. Collection of contributions from 25 countries.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8087505
- Resilience Engineering perspective and indicators (2016) Invited to provide contribution to International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) 'Resilience In And For Risk Governance' (RIARG) resource guide http://www.IRGC.org