New Release: 'Katastrophen aus Menschenhand'

The German translation of 'Disaster by Choice'

We are excited to announce the German translation of Ilan Kelman’s impactful book, Disaster by Choice, now available as Katastrophen aus Menschenhand, published by Springer Nature Group. This essential work challenges the conventional narrative of natural disasters by highlighting the human choices that often transform natural hazards into catastrophic events. With insights grounded in decades of disaster research, the book encourages readers to rethink how we can act to prevent and mitigate the impact of disasters.


Translating this thought-provoking book was a joint effort led by Dr. Patrizia Glick and Mrs. Kristina Geva from ResWell. Patrizia and Kristina, with their expertise in Disaster and Emergency Management, brought precision and clarity to the translation, ensuring that the German edition faithfully reflects Kelman’s powerful message while maintaining accessibility. The translation captures the depth of Kelman’s analysis, examining how social, political, and economic decisions shape our responses to natural hazards.


Katastrophen aus Menschenhand is now available for German-speaking readers eager to explore the crucial role of human decision-making in disaster prevention: German Translation


The original version in English can be found here: English Version

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